17 May 2010

A new list of things I don't care about

1) Kagan's sexual orientation. I don't care one way or the other (or as NPR put it, she's "asexual lesbian heterosexual whose personal life is a complete mystery.", so she may as well be doing whatever somebody thinks she's doing) . And I don't even want to see or hear people asking the question or demanding that it be asked. Or bringing up pictures of people playing softball. Can we get back to whatever it is she thinks legally that might be, I don't know, sort of relevant to being a Supreme Court Justice? Or do we need another round of trying to pin some ridiculous thing on someone, as they did with Sotomayor painted as some sort of hideous racist, instead of digging through the nominees' record as though one had thought seriously about the decision whether or not to confirm her as Stevens' replacement on the bench?

2) Atheists who think about death or who seem to think a sense of awe is empowered strictly by belief in god, that is stripped away by lacking it. Or Theists who do, or think "we" should. I'm firmly in Diogenes camp on this one. Death should be 1) a party for everyone else still alive, ideally to celebrate some fond memories of the departed. But perhaps to celebrate in the fact that they are now absent in the worst case and 2) irrelevant to the party who is now dead. Give me a stick to poke away the wild animals from my rotting corpse. What's that you say, what good is the stick if I'm dead? Well what good is the whole concern over death if a stick won't help "me" when I'm dead? This is a dumb topic. Worry about living.

Or else start worrying about things like this:
"Many people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so."

Life is still capable of surprise and wonder. It's supposedly not very good at it when you don't imagine omnipotent being(s) controlling the wind or waves or economic stock market crashes, or supernovas for that matter, or all of the above. I differ on this idea. I think surrendering all these things to physical or human controls makes them a little more wonderful than that it rains because god willed it. I certainly like the rain a lot more than most other people anyway.

3) Muslims who win beauty pageants.

4) Beauty pageants.

Things I need to do instead of bother myself with those topics:
1) Buy some new clothes. Or old clothes. I don't care which. I am approaching thread count limitations on some things which have probably taken to overuse from years of a limited wardrobe. This has some advantages, occasionally. In the rare occasion that I am spotted in public settings, it can be calculated that my attire will generate a significant avoidance subroutine from other human beings.

2) Appropriate a beret. Or perhaps some other odd and disused hat-like object. Sunglasses only go so far in making me look like a crazy and/or dangerous person to be avoided.

Neither of these things will likely happen in the next month. Motivations for following random things which have no real impact on my person but possess powerful opportunities to think and reflect are too visible and available. Shopping, on the other hand, is far away and requires getting in a car to find things or looking at pictures of clothing.


not undecided said...

Now you're going to start DRESSING like a hipster? LOL. Good times.

Tom Coniam said...

As far as a hat goes, I recommend a flat cap (if you can pull it off)
I'm not a fan of hats (hate ever wearing my "cover" for the Marines) but I like flat caps (or scally caps as some call them)


Sun Tzu said...

I think the point is less "I must be a hipster" and more "I hate people and/or fashions". I've generally had odd hats in my history.

That actually looks reasonable.