19 May 2010

around the world in 30 seconds

Thailand's messy physical situation now is merely a complicated political one. For now. Apart from that whole curfew for your safety thing, and the whole "city is on fire" thing. It will probably take a while to sort this out. The main distinction is the way the situation has been covered. When similar types of protest cropped up in Iran last year, they were heralded. These seem to be greeted at best with lukewarm intensity, if not some version of outrage. The difference between governments being relatively friendly with the world powers and not so much I guess is how your anti-government movements get covered, or even ignored.

Polish crash continues to be murky. Probably just panic. But it also doesn't sound like they picked a great setup for flying around their leaders if they have a mashed together flight crew at the last second sort of plan for getting them to a state trip to Smolensk.

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