16 May 2010

Amusing frustrations

"Bigger babies: babies or hipsters whining about people with babies?" (saw this on twitter, wasn't linked to anything yet, but it was one of the economist's bloggers).

My whining has not been, I hope anyway, too obvious. I have at least made it clear that I have a marginal disdain for smaller people like creatures.

But I have a marginal disdain for larger people like creatures too.


not undecided said...

Also, if you qualify as a hipster...something else ain't right. LOL.

Sun Tzu said...

"Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter"

Most of those are true. Apart from the indie-rock.

Sun Tzu said...

The thing I don't do so much of is "appear" to be a hipster.

I think I go with more of a "homeless slob with access to a shower or laundromat" look personally.

not undecided said...

LOL. I guess I put too much weight on appearances...because I didn't really think that hipsters had a platform other than ridiculous dressing and bad taste in music. Well, taste different than mine. LOL again. Hi, I'm Amy...and I'm a...[sob]...hipster.

Sun Tzu said...

Could be worse.

You could be a yuppie.

not undecided said...

Only if I go get a super cool downtown loft, right? Otherwise I'm just a youngish suburban semi-pro. LOL.

Sun Tzu said...

More hipster lore from the culture that is Wikipedia

"The hipster adopted the lifestyle of the jazz musician, including some or all of the following: dress, slang, use of cannabis and other drugs, relaxed attitude, sarcastic humor, self-imposed poverty, and relaxed sexual codes." - Here again, not quite poor, not quite stoned. But 1940s era Jazz is in heavy rotation on pandora. Bird is awesome.

"Hipsters are the friends who sneer when you cop to liking Coldplay. They're the people who wear t-shirts silk-screened with quotes from movies you've never heard of and the only ones in America who still think Pabst Blue Ribbon is a good beer. They sport cowboy hats and berets and think Kanye West stole their sunglasses. Everything about them is exactingly constructed to give off the vibe that they just don't care." - Don't like PBR (or beer in general), but don't like Coldplay either. Used to have a beret. Need another one. Too lazy to go shopping. Sunglasses are permanent required fixture. Don't care what they look like though.

Sun Tzu said...

The one main point that I think excludes me is that I'm not a vegan.