02 February 2007

living with others

I've had a few thoughts on relationships that I figured might be a problem. So I'll air them here, where nobody knows your name.

I'm in a non-traditional relationship, in the sense that I'm not married but live with my girlfriend. I'm not planning on it yet, so girls don't ask. But the problem I raise isn't my living situation. At least, not that part of it.

So I'm now sitting here with the idea that I'm comfortable, and up comes a stray. My girlfriend has a friend with a nomadic sensibility and a number of current personal issues. This friend is about to temporarily move in. While this does free up some cap space on my rent, it doesn't help me in any other way. But I'm supposed to go along with the following outcomes:

Crowded living conditions created by lack of sleeping accommodations and more pets. I'm not sleeping on the couch unless I anger someone.

Having to sleep somewhat more clothed. This would cause quite a problem either way. I'm referring also to the lack of sex as well.

Close the door for bathroom use, including the shower. I tend to leave it as it keeps the mirror from fogging up. Now it will just fog up.

A new roommate with a penchant for somewhat disastrous personal issues. Fortunately, she seems to be getting older, and they're disappearing, slowly. (I refer to: smoking, drinking, some conspicuous other substances on occasion, these don't bother me unless they're in my personal space)

Less parking space. At least its a fellow Toyota, not some demonic SUV.

I'm not sure its asking much, but I do wish I could be consulted on these things. For example, I do not know yet: how long. where will she sleep. how many of her cats are coming. how much she works. how much she makes. how much rent is coming down. how often will she be out of town to visit her own boyfriend. etc. These are useful tidbits of information that I would feel would help alleviate concerns and come to a decision that is helpful and reasonable for all people involved. I don't care too much for helping people helicopter around anymore. I did enough of that myself and I watch my girlfriend still doing it.

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