04 February 2007

check writer

I only write one check a month. But I do however make some non-online credit purchases. I have to sign for them. I discovered something a while back which I found amusing. I started signing for checks and credit cards with funny or famous names just to see if anyone would notice. I'll admit I sometimes wear two different shoes or drive backwards down side streets; these things tend to draw curious glances as well. I found that more or less nobody notices the signatures. More dangerously, nobody cares. The banks honor such transactions anyway, they don't check signatures. Which is good, because mine is probably illegible as it is, and I don't think stays the same twice. It's like a snowflake. I did get one glance when I signed for some groceries with the name "Zeus". Apparently I looked enough like the ancient thunder god to this clerk to let me pass, although I don't have sculpted muscles and long mane of hair and beard. .but I digress. The point is, be aware of this as a problem with the financial world. They aren't checking out for you as much as they should. Sometimes it can be used for sport, but sometimes it will be used for fraud.

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