13 August 2009

Your god also hates assholes

Seriously. There's a lot about human sexuality that isn't in the strictest sense "normal" that we, most of us, can now tolerate in a broad acceptance of differences in taste and preference, even if only in the privacy of our own homes. This is fast becoming another of these as it shares all the same characteristics of our other tolerated behaviors. It isn't logically or ethically comparable to child abuse and molestation or to bestiality in the same way that mixed racial relationships were not a few decades ago. So why are these still the only arguments against legal recognition of a remaining few basic civil rights? And why are they so common?

What exactly is so wrong with the people making these arguments that they need to rail against a small minority of the public that they'll probably never have a desire or opportunity to interact with sexually at all? Since these arguments virtually all come down to religious institutions and thinking, did these people skip the other 99% of their books of faith? Or is it asking too much to expect consistency from organised religion?

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