05 April 2009

final four and off to bed

In my quest to recurrent insomnia, I sat up again immersed in various historical texts. So I return now to relate the banality of my more normal interests, and that yet again, they have reaped no immediate financial rewards. But perhaps they will allow me to retire for a few hours of restful sleep devoid of the brain feeding on imagery.

I do have two sheets on ESPN's 5 million brackets competition that are in the top .5%, mostly because they both nailed the championship game and final four. This isn't an unusual place for me to end up; I was even higher when Georgia Tech played Connecticut. And last year, despite all the chalk, I was in the top 5% simply because I took Kansas over Memphis and Chalmers hit a three when Rose et al couldn't make free throws.

Thanks again to President Obama for perhaps convincing the better part of half the nation to take a final four that had 3 wrong, not that some of my sheets looked any less boring than that. I at least stayed away from Louisville usually, and Pitt was clearly overrated as well...Memphis is another story, I will be glad when Calipari starts at Kentucky so I don't have to worry about those guys anymore being hard to pick....

I will presume Carolina wins out Monday night since they won by 35 points in an embarrassing effort in the same building earlier in the year, but if they get upset, I guess some people will pass me. Not a whole helluva lot, most people didn't pick MSU nearly this far. I did notice one new trend to stash away for next year. Well, its not new, but it's one I had underestimated heavily this year. Pac-10/Pacific coast teams traveling east got hammered. Jet lag is a bitch apparently.

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