21 August 2007

disappearing fat tricks


Here's the odd part of this. My immediate reaction was not, wow that's some neat research (which it was an interesting use of stem cells come to think of it). It was, great now people will blame viruses for making them fat when getting fat is undoubtedly caused by a number of factors with diet and exercise being the two leading contributors.

In fact, what I found odd was that the first paragraph essentially included a disclaimer that this was still controversial research. I'm not entirely sure what was controversial (how it was done or what was concluded?), but I do believe we should perhaps be waiting for a study to be finished, reviewed and reproduced. In this case, it sounds like they're doing fine thus far, but I was a bit off put by the press campaign already. That the work is considered controversial means we should probably not being stocking up on fat vaccine companies just yet on Wall St. And that those people who're already fat should probably look for some other way to cure what ails them.

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