04 February 2010

Things that annoy me a lot more than they should

The correct answer to "get rid of corn/farm subsidies" is not "change them into corn ethanol subsidies". Even worse, the actual answer is probably subsidize both.

Also I discovered that not only is there a corn racket going on, but there's also a corn insurance racket. Why, if there is what amounts to a fixed price floor on corn, is there a need to subsidize the insurance in the event the crop is wiped out by a flood or tornado or something? You would think it would be pretty easy to figure out how much it would cost to insure crops if the price is fixed at some bottom actuarial level.

If more people shared the rage that they had on a supposed acorn racket last year with a real corn racket, we might see this go away a lot faster. We might even see a dumb law passed that actually outlaws all sorts of meaningless subsides, so hastily and so anxiously our Congress would work on the problem.

One other weird thing:
People should not try to use Ancient Greece to argue against homosexuals serving in the military. Sparta pretty much mandated the same tripe used now for paedophilia (that gay men are all somehow paedophiles) as a required social ritual in Spartan military society. Perhaps (classical) history ought to move back to being a required course work for people who want to write editorials.

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