23 September 2009

War never changes. The reasons were trivial and pointless

Afghan wars

I don't get the argument that we needed to occupy and reform Afghanistan totally either. It seemed enough to go in and carve up the known forces that supported terrorism abroad, and then let the Afghans continue sort out the country as they had been doing for several centuries. We would as always retain the ability to deploy forces again should such a threat to the international scene emerge again. But most of the threat came from other places (the terrorists involved in 9-11 came from Saudi Arabia, and lived and trained in Europe or America, not Afghanistan), and was funded in other ways than the current narco-terrorism we're fighting in Afghanistan. It was enough to more closely monitor such things (ideally within the context of a legal system with checks and balances, something we still haven't started doing). It wasn't necessary to go in and remove "safe havens", with the logic being that we should play whack-a-mole and occupy such places with military force. That, to my mind, before any other considerations apply, is just a bad use of the military. You have a military to win wars and battles (ideally to prevent them from occurring at all by "winning" ahead of time). And you win them by forcing the engagements on your terms. Not by committing to battles that other people want you to fight. Rooting out safe havens through occupied force commits us to a battle on the terms of our enemies. It makes possible the propaganda that we are an imperialist force aggressive against Islam itself.

I guess there are human rights issues that people think will be addressed in that way. I believe those people are badly misinformed on how "democracy" or "freedom" works around the globe in places that it hasn't worked before without any of the necessary conditions available to make it work (middle class economy based on trade, rule of law instead of fear of law, etc). As in: it doesn't. And you can't make it work unless you build up the system necessary to support it first. So if our interest is to prevent human rights abuses against women or by imposing a strict shariah law upon Afghans, we would be at this for decades, essentially forming the core for a new imperial edict of sorts. It's not enough to simply prop up a government that says it won't do or won't allow those things we don't want to happen. I didn't think that was why we were there originally, why the argument was to stay there, instead of invading Iraq, or why we were there now.

But apparently that's all it really comes down to. Which to me means it's a dumb thing to be doing.

(Apologies for the flurry of activity. But I have had less interest over the last week in commentary. I really should try to be more consistent.)


Kyla Denae said...

Agree totally. However, I have reached the conclusion that none of the official reasons for the wars were honest.

We went there because the people in Washington like explosions. And they just can't have proper explosions outside of war.

((Joke, BTW, for those of you who may not have a sense of humor... ;) ))

Sun Tzu said...

You don't actually need to have official reasons for wars in retrospect. We almost never do. They usually can just look for things that will push the necessary margin of people over into the "war!" category and pull those levers. In the 1840-50s it was "Manifest Destiny" or "Remember the Alamo" and "54'40 or fight". None of those were actually compelling interests to commit our forces to battle. We ended up paying for California and most of the West Coast anyway. Why that couldn't have been done before seems bizarre to me. After all, we bought most of the Plains and the Mississippi basin states, parts of Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii... So clearly these were conjured reasons in favor of a war rather than something necessary to the security, even the expansion, of the American state.

That's why it seems necessary to look carefully at what they are doing and find the source of objections there. Okay those are invalid official reasons for the Iraq/Afghan wars, but nobody thought that at the time. Because? Nobody wanted to ask. Those wars started out as popular and all the government had to do was trot out the usual list of fears and suspects to get us to pull the trigger. A more skeptical population would have asked things like we are seeing now regarding the "bomb Iran" crowd.

And indeed. There are plenty of war-junkies and explosion mongers involved in policy. I myself love a good explosion now and then. It would be funny if not for the amount of blood and treasure they cost us. I think I had a previous post on here somewhere that elaborated that these types of people should focus on making the Harvard/Ivy League football team better instead like normal people do with their alma maters. The game of nations is a bit too far out of their reach to manage.

Sun Tzu said...
