17 September 2009

good, but not great. happy but not bliss?

I do know there is definite research indicating that these later marriages produce later born children. And that there is evidence that waiting on starting a family, ~30 or older for the parents of children, is helpful for the children academically and socially for a variety of reasons. One of which being that the parents who typically wait until then tend to be more educated and already have some distance into their career fields as a result. If these conservatives were really at all concerned about families, they'd have noticed this research with definitive claims instead of this other research with wish-washy ones like "28+ year old people have unrealistically higher expectations or set routines" or some such. It seems more like the interest is to return women to functioning as brood mares who marry younger and thus potentially provide more children, and quickly, rather than to allow people to make individually useful decisions that may or may not conform to that supposedly idealized state they envision.

But then again, I haven't seen very many pundits of any variety saying that 30+ for children was a great idea. And as for myself, I don't care that much when, or even if, most people decide to have children. I think it's reasonable to avoid too many teenagers (high school-ers anyway) getting pregnant or causing pregnancies because this causes a litany of externality costs: lack of completed formal education, sunk costs into child-bearing, health care, likelihood of divorce or separation increases, increase in crime rate a generation out, and so on. That's about as far as that line of paternalistic decision making goes. Children, along with getting married, seems to be a deeply personal decision of the variety best left up to individuals to make. There are plenty of people out there who are inclined to tell us how to make it their way. We should welcome such advice but always consider its source and its validity to our own decisions.


not undecided said...

So it appears that your undisclosed birthday has come and gone, too. So, happy belated birthday. Hope there was cake.

Sun Tzu said...

That was quite some time ago (several months now have passed).

And there was no cake.

not undecided said...

Really? It doesn't seem that long ago that you said it was coming up. So that totally blows my theory that I could figure it out. Boo.

not undecided said...

Oh, I see now. That comment was not time specific. Never had a chance of figuring that out. Again, my reading comprehension has not been at its best lately.

Sun Tzu said...

Which comment? I don't recall belaboring anyone with tales of my getting older.

not undecided said...

On my blog...where I tried to convince you that cake, and more cake, was a good reason to reveal this date. Totally didn't work. I think it was on the last plinky prompt post...first question was what you'd want to do to celebrate your birthday. Couldn't have been more than a month ago. But when I re-read, you weren't saying that it IS coming up soon, only that you'd be doing well to remember that when it is coming up soon.

Sun Tzu said...

Yes. I remembered our cake discourse fondly. I couldn't figure out how that related to my own birthday. And I have a while to worry about whether people can remind me to celebrate it.

not undecided said...

I remember it fondly as well. LOL. Apparently, it did not relate to your own birthday at all, but I was really convinced I was close to causing you worry. Drat.