09 September 2007

bees, batteries, and bypasses


The bugs have bugs. It only took them another 6 months to find evidence; which, since the news media wanted to blame cell phone towers of all things isn't surprising.

Other news of interest, some secret saavy tech company is working on ultracapacitor material to replace batteries. Since capacitors would use energy much more effectively in say, a car, this is perhaps good news.



This one had a funny headline. "Walking hard for some exercisers." Which led me to believe that people were having difficulty just walking around in the process of looking for their socks (already on their 'invisible' feet) until I read the story. It turned out they were pointing out something I'd pointed out a few months back in my health care research. People don't have good access to exercise, even the most basic being walking or jogging around. Not exactly news to me, but if maybe some urban planners get on it, we'll have some solutions for all but the poor, crime-ridden neighborhoods.

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