15 August 2008

This is just silly


Wasn't this already done with a Simpsons' episode (the one with the mall that buries an angel as a publicity stunt?). Basically people of religious faith will see a movie like this and come away over-joyed. The rest of us will wonder what the hell it was about.

Religion and its film history isn't exactly blessed with substantially rewarding films that other people get. There are good films with religion in them (like the Baptism scene in the Godfather or the overtones of Gnosticism in the Matrix). But it's usually because the religious spectacle involved is a metaphor for some other battle within the human 'soul', a good and evil paradox which interests ethical people everywhere (including those who are absent in faith). The actual demonstration of what is supposed to represent faith usually comes off as lunacy to others. The interesting dynamics in the areas religion is intended to help provide for human beings (relative balance/harmony/justice, etc) are good fodder for discussion and movie plots..but we don't need religion to discuss them or find them necessary. So I'd have to wonder why religious people persist in publicly appearing as incapable of reason in order to appeal to reasonable minds. It seems pretty silly.

I'd have to wonder why a Simpsons' episode seems the best at bridging this gap in a reasonable way (while still being somewhat amusing). I guess maybe Life of Brian could be included there as well. Comedy is probably the one area of life which mixes reason and lunacy. That's my explanation.

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