Yes, razor companies are apparently desperate to sell more razors. I understand the economics of stuff like this completely. They've always been good at selling the disposables as a continuous investment that people overspend on. Looking at the actual ad campaigns (Gillette has one too) they advise the use of a "fresh blade". Never mind that a "fresh blade" isn't actually the best to use for shaving any region of the body, simply because it must be "broken in" to remove the sort of coating that razor companies put over the blade. And never mind that it's made of metal and body hair would have to be lined with sand to make a significant dent in its cutting power to change a "fresh blade" into a blade one throws away as useless. It's the water and soap that kill the things, not the art of shaving. Anywhere.
But I don't buy the wackiness that surrounds it. If you're going to trim off hair to make a penis look larger how small was it to begin with (or conversely that seems like it would take a awful lot of hair to cause size disparities)? There's probably more convincing reasons to do this.
Is academic writing getting harder to read?
6 hours ago
Hahahahaaa.....only because I know my BIL will never ever find this place will I tell this story:
My husband and his brother at one time shared an apartment, and thus a bathroom. One day Mike walks in on his brother and finds him shaving his balls. He's all, what the fuck, dude? And that was his answer. It makes it look bigger. I have no words.
As best I can tell, that's not the "reason" to do something like this. It's basically a cosmetic improvement at a partner's request so hair won't get in the way of more important business. For similar reasons women occasionally do things like this.
Still though, it's hilarious to see the American male in the mind of market advertising: balding, small and malfunctioning penis, alcoholic, and perpetually stupid.
Oral sex has been around far longer than razors or waxing. If that's what's really on your mind during more important're not quite doing it right! Heehee.
Yeah, it's pretty on-par with the American woman in the mind of marketing advertising: hairy, self-conscious, wrinkled, fat, and worried about what everyone who even sees her must think of her.
I'm all for it. I once argued, from a moderate christian perspective whereby the believer maintains we're a child of god and a product of evolution, that god must be completely hairless, except for perhaps eyebrows, given the trend from primitive apes to modern humans.
I think the only place a woman should have any real amount of hair is her head. Make that a young woman. Once you hit a certain age, it's probably silly maintaining the facade, but then again, no one wants to see an old granny with furry pits. But if that's how she wants to roll, power to her.
I don't see why it's such a big deal one way or the other. If an American male is really interested in making their cock look bigger, try losing a few hundred pounds first. Hair, no hair, whatever; just keep the jungles away from me. SCARY! What is certain though, is that if you can provide a relatively cheap pill, machine, method, whatever, that claims to make a penis bigger, make boobs bigger, make wrinkles go away, increase libido, make the opposite sex want you, etc., it'll sell, even if it's been proven over and over again to not work. If the price is sufficiently low, most consumers won't be able to resist that voice in the back of their heads tellin' em that it doesn't cost that much, even if it doesn't end up working. Now that I'm thinking about it, if we could make cocks as big as we wanted, how large do you think most men would go before they stopped? I'm guessing about twice as big as most women would have chosen. Oh, and people don't think we're apes. Funny.
Didn't Southpark do an episode about this? Metrosexuals? I can't remember much about it. Maybe I'll watch it soon.
Oral sex sure has been around longer than razors or waxing, but sex has been around far longer than condoms, but that doesn't mean using 'em ain't a bad idea ;) To each their own. I thought the commercial was funny and could certainly name far more annoying ones.
It's one thing to have a preference, quite another to say that something perfectly natural is SCARY. I mean, man up. Have you ever experienced a testicle waxing? Or had razor burn in that vicinity? See if you think either of those is scarier than untrimmed hedges. Don't get me wrong, I shave my legs and things...but not every day, especially through winter. It's a fucking pain in the ass...I would much rather sleep 20 minutes longer most mornings.
You must realize that it's impossible to swallow even a hypothetical argument made by you from a moderate Christian perspective....hilarious. Almost as hilarious as imagining dudes trying to tactfully request such aesthetic "improvements" from their sexual partners without making it into an insult. Seriously. Is this a deal-breaker kind of thing? I guess it's unfair to say that would be ridiculous, because I have known women that walked away from a too-small cock. Not in the actual moment, but still...that would kind of make her a bitch, no? Just as saying "I'm not doing THAT again until we have a cleared runway" would be an asshole thing to say or imply.
Of course I forgot my original point (dammit Baz, I always get sucked into your arguments):
The more convincing reason to do it (that I know of): increased sensation. Once the unwanted side effects of whatever removal method wear off, Eva Longoria is right. I don't see the point of saying so on Entertainment Tonight or wherever I heard that sound bite. I totally laughed at her, but not because I thought she was wrong. Just not something I'd want Dad to hear me saying on TV! Here we go:
"I never waxed or really paid attention to that area. It opened the door to a whole new sexual side of me.
"Getting in touch with your inner sex goddess would begin with the Brazilian wax," the Daily Mirror reports her as saying. And she even went so far as to reveal: "I felt like Angelina Jolie after the Brazilian Wax."
Still don't know if that justifies walking into a salon to have a perfect stranger yank you around by the delicates. And then tip them.
The amazing thing is that I managed to google that and not find porn first.
I think that's where I was going with the "convincing reasons". That the whole implication of the actual commercial wasn't even close to a convincing sentiment. Obviously it's considered a marketable sentiment by someone.
Ha. I'm a jackass...didn't even watch the commercial. I will @ work tomorrow....
Okay, watched it. Yeah, I've seen worse. But who wants to be like that guy? Ew.
AIDS, leprosy, and Pat Robertson are all natural, and all SCARY AS BOILING SHIT! Hairy backs are natural. Many of the world's most effective poisons are natural. Well, everything is natural, including Brazillian waxes.
I don't have to be able to see my reflection in it or anything, just some time down there wouldn't hurt. Those pictures of Dr. Laura floating around: scary.
I'm not going to get into the topic of deal breakers or not. But no, a girl doesn't need to be a goddess to turn me on. But a hobo hiding between thighs is NOT a turn on. If that offends all-natural chicks, or their apologists, better they find out before they spread their legs infront of me, eh?
Bahahaa! I was just giving you shit for trotting out your debate history as a preamble to call hairy girls gross.
Analogies aren't the best arguments, usually...or maybe the extraneous examples just annoy me.
Everything is not natural. I'd say Pat Robertson is debatable. The actual wax used may be natural, but the act of giving or receiving a severe waxing is NOT natural. If we're talking about the state of the location, there are certainly natural (SCARY) and unnatural states for it to be in. Haha. Yeah, I did see that Dr. Laura pic. crack me up.
I guess my thing is this: sexy is as sexy feels. Like you said, to each their own. I can't imagine that a hobo in one's panties would feel sexy, but I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round.
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