21 December 2007

huck finn strikes again

In other news, Huckabee apparently was involved with an article depicting Bush's foreign policy as an arrogant bunker mentality. Hmm. So what exactly isn't true about that statement that he's drawing heat for it from his GOP competition? Much as I don't like the guy politically, he does have a annoying capacity to say concise things that assault his political rivals or political inverses in accurate ways.

Let's examine. "If you're not with us, you're against us". Sounds pretty arrogant.

Building a fence on a border. Sounds like 'bunker' thinking to me.

Spending four years ignoring military realities on the ground that they're involved in an counter-insurgency campaign while alienating potential allies. Sounds like both.

It isn't totally accurate. We're doing some cooperative thinking to suppress DPRK (in case no one noticed, I find it much more amusing to refer to N. Korea as the 'democratic people's republic' when it has none of the three in actuality). But in so far as the 'important' direct American threat of global terrorism? We're not thinking very much about going outside of a bunker or we're just doing things arbitrarily.

So I don't see how it's 'an insult to the President' when it seems like a fair critique. Nor do I see that pulling punches directed at the President is very helpful in a democracy. Criticism is supposed to be liberally available for any public figure. Some of it might be useful, some can be ignored, and some is just accurate assessments of personal flaws, like arrogant bunker mentality thinking.

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