13 November 2007

comments on commentary

"Pelosi's talk of a "green" U.S. Capitol is especially phony when she refuses to allow the House of Representatives to vote on proposals to increase fuel-economy standards for vehicles. Higher mpg standards -- the average fuel economy of new cars, trucks and SUVs has not risen since 1988 -- are a million times more important to preventing artificial global warming than symbolic actions such as those being taken at the Capitol. Stricter mileage rules would not only reduce U.S. payments to Persian Gulf dictatorships but also make a significant dent in greenhouse gases because greenhouse emissions are proportional to fossil fuel burned. Yet while Pelosi announces lofty promises about a renewable Capitol, she won't schedule a vote on the strict new mileage standards backed by figures as diverse as President Bush and Barack Obama."

I'm quite convinced that the supposed Green movement has been throughly hijacked by some other agenda at this point. I don't see how the 'carbon offset' program is worth anything at all for environmental purposes, as it does nothing to actually reduce pollution and its supposed global warming effects. Nor does it do anything to increase energy independence and with this being the primary front made by 'greens' in this country, it leaves open isolationist thinking that we should be drilling for our own oil and screw the rest of the world. I'm not sure that drilling for our own resources is required, though it surely doesn't hurt as much as these greens claim it does. But without some reasonable measures to actually reduce energy dependence on other countries (ethanol won't cut it, it takes too much energy to produce at this point), these pointless debates will continue and Congress will continue to be ineffective and worthless.

As I understand the Constitution, it is the Congress that is to be the source of both tentative natures, to restrain the whims of the populace (and the executive), and also to be the foundation of change for innovative solutions to the problems of the public. Right now it appears to be trying, and failing, to restrain the whims of the executive and ignoring completely the whims and needs of the populace. Politics may be a dirty business, but it is supposed to achieve results. Results like these belong on the unemployment ranks.

Further comments on the environmental hypocrites:
As regards Gore's wasteful home energy utility bill.
"Members of Gore's species require high power levels to maintain human form." -- classic. Goes back to the Simpson's episode with Kang and Kodos taking over for Dole and Clinton...
"The former vice president is doing everything he personally can to cause global warming, so he can claim is predictions came true." --This is a personal favorite, as it correlates with my idea that fatalist people do what they can to create their own fate.
"We stand by our allegation that he is a sinister kingpin of international rare-bird smuggling." -- I don't think anyone would think of Al Gore as a kingpin of anything other than nonsense. But since the Norwegians apparently mistook his fraudulent claims as scientific advice that advanced the human species in a necessary and cooperative manner, he must have something that he can hold over them.

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