24 January 2007


Education: I'm still against NCLB. Part of the responsibility is with the parents for not actively caring about education. Part of it is ours for allowing the government to take over this area. Government does not DO anything well (outside of law/order and sometimes military affairs). It oversees things. It has done a few things by destroying mismanaged and failing schools. This has helped, but is no substitute for a real school choice program which does the following: all parents (not just the ones that can afford to and do move to a good district) are actively involved in education by choosing where children get an education, and two it eventually weeds out crummy schools anyway. The money should follow the child, not the child follow the money.

Energy reform was going well until we acknowledged 'global climate change' which is code for 'human-activity global warming'. As far as I know the jury is still out on this (despite the media's coverage and Al Gore's Oscar nomination). Humans can and should do much to control our emissions,etc. But the reality is that the global climate has so many variables its impossible to isolate and study the specific effect of heavy industry with any reliability. 30 years ago these same scientists were talking about a global cooling even. Consensus in politics is necessary. Consensus in science is irrelevant, only facts matter. And to me, the facts still say there are alot of things at work. I have no problem with getting off oil/fossil fuels, but not because I'm worried about our grandchildren.

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