09 January 2008

the story continues


It's odd what comes out about things that the media drops. Looks to me like there's a reason these things drop out of the news. Sounds or smells like whatever the media wanted to sell as the story doesn't hold water, which means they need to change the tune.

The case, if we remember, dominated the news with it's associated marches and protests. But the reality looks like it was a lot of huff and puff trying to clear a fatally flawed youth with the sense of entitlement so common to those our society is quick to admire (athletes are among these). There's a good deal of racism that does need to be engaged and dealt with, if possible, but it would be best if we could not load a case with it's fire and brimstone pulpit speeches when it's not worth the effort. Race baiting isn't going to solve anything either.

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